Saturday, June 09, 2018

Irish Role Models for Boys and Men

I'm exploring misogyny in Ireland (having returned after 15 years abroad) and not that it isn't prevalent globally, but I'm trying to debug my own pysche and that of the nation in 2018. I asked in a #mens_health channel online (which I frequent) about current candidates as role models for boys and men in Ireland (or connected to Ireland somehow such that they could be considered 'Irish' thus lending more weight, proximity, and impact). Of course many people's Dad's are role models, but here we're looking for wider and more well known examples. Below are some of the results. What do you think? Who's missing and why are there so few (these are all white)? Am 100% admitting I exist in my own filter bubbles too! Can you suggest others?



Background: Part of it stems from something I've been thinking about for a while in terms of environmental shaping of entities... including but not limited to the existing patriarchy, the Church, education, media, sexism in general, politcal etc. but essentially all power bases and also some interesting background here on the so called "Mother Wound" . But it's also an honest question and personal exploration turned outwards to gauge and crowdsource the 'state of the nation'.

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